Our Vision is to be a spiritual launching point throughout the Shoals area and a sending base to the ends of the earth.
Our strategy is simple: to serve the community and create spiritual environments where people that haven’t been involved in church love to come.
Jesus continually challenged the status quo. Ordinances and traditions that lack meaning or purpose divert our attention from our most important mission, to love others.
Envision a church full of people who live out their faith in courageous, unselfish ways. Their worship is fresh and passionate. They take on bold ventures to help a suffering world. Jesus is glorified as people are introduced to Him and guided into a life of faith. See a church that impacts its city through service and shapes a whole region by launching bold ministries.
How do I become a Launch Point member?
All you need to do is come. We will do our best to serve you, teach, share with you, love you, and allow you to serve no matter where you are in your spiritual journey. Those interested in becoming a member must attend a membership meeting which is taught by our lead pastor Shane Swinney. If you would like information about the next membership meeting, contact us at